Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Oh Great another dead blog.... NOT

OK OK, quit the complaining and thinking that the Murph quit the blog business. No I been busy doing other things and learning new things. First off I changed jobs, I went from the mapper/GIS tech to become an Application Engineer (AE) for a reseller. This job requires a lot of work and travel but it gets me one step closer to the guys that decide what goes into the program and what it NEEDS to do. So be looking for some updated posts in the next few days.
I do have one big complaint about the folks up here in Manchester, NH., the ISD HQ for Auto Desk. Where in heck can man get a good beer? Four nights out at 4 different places and none of them have Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer? Not even the Hilton I'm staying in has it and it is next to a baseball field, America's favorite past time and no PBR. I wish there was a Motel 6 with a dinner around the corner cause they would definitely have a Blue Ribbon.

OK back to useful stuff, I'm working on doing a short example of using the Data Connect in Map 2007 and showing some ways it can be of use to others out there that have data in that other format. I'm also working on getting contours from a DEM and exporting(saving) it to a ESRI shp format with R2007.

Stay tuned I promise to be back with some good info in the next few days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


What am I going to do with you?